Friday, January 23, 2009

You're a grand ole flag...


On Tuesday morning at 11:30 over 200 American exchange students at USFQ gathered in the campus theatre in a show of solidarity for the most glorious day in the last 8 years of US politics. There wasn't a dry eye in the house (or more accurately, I was weeping with joy and relief as Barack's booming voice reassured us that, despite the poop left by Bush, there's still hope!) It was a great showing of American pride and for the first time in a loooong time we didn't feel completely embarrassed to be Americans. Together, over 200 gringos hailing from all over the US, from Montana and Oregon, California and Arizona, Massachusetts and good ole' PA and even Hawaii, cheered together, cried together, gave Obama a standing ovation together, and laughed maniacally together when that anti-gay preacher said Sashaaa and Maliaaaa like a crazy person. What a good birthday present, better even than the sweet party my fam threw me the night before...

Quick 0verview: Delicious chocolate cake (Que rico!) made by my neighbor, wonderful serenade of Ecuadorian folklorica and traditional happy birthday songs by my guitar playing brother in law, a bag full of delicious american snack foods and candy from Alexis and Eva, A champagne toast where I embarrassed myself pretending to speak in spanish, so many courses of delicious food, a face full of cake, wine, family, friends and a golden diadema (headband!). So Good!!

Hasta Pronto,


  1. "the poop left my Bush" might be my favorite typo ever.

    seriously though, i was weepy too, and it was the best kind of weepy. i watched with a bunch of women's studies students and profs (more details in your letter) and we shared a chuckle at daughters' names as well.

    there were so many wonderful parts of the speech, and this is not the best but still a a little detail that i liked: when he recognized that our country is made up of christians, muslims, yada yada, and non-believers! how often do we get that kind of recognition? i thought you'd appreciate it.

  2. Obama had a real big first day in office, did you hear? Right off the bat he issued Executive Orders for the closing of Guantanamo within one year, ceating a Special Task Force to review detainee policy going forward, ensuring lawful interrogations by requiring that all interrogations of detainees in armed conflict follow the Army Field Manual interrogation guidelines, and mandating that executive branch personnel make an official ethics commitment. Sweet, huh? Yes We Can!

  3. haha thanks girl, i really need someone to proof read these things for me. i write them so fast because my internet time is rididculously limited!

    thanks for the update on whats happening in the world! i feel totally disconnected with no internet and barely any tv or newspaper i never know whats going on. keep it comin!
